Who do men say that I am?” Jesus asked his disciples. They gave several responses of what pop culture and religion at that time might have suggested: some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and some say a prophet. Ironically, things haven’t changed much. You could ask this same question today, and there would still be responses from today's pop culture: he was a good teacher, a radical thinker, a lunatic, just a man who did good stuff, one way among many to show the path to God, or, as atheism is becoming more popular—a made up character by the disillusioned. Thus, people have their opinions.
“But who do you say that I am?” Jesus now moved away from what the crowds thought and directed his question to his disciples. Peter responded, “You are the Christ. The Son of the Living God!”
Enough of what others say, what say you? Investigate for yourself. Don’t take Hollywood's word for it. Are you really going to believe a movie star making millions of dollars pretending to be someone they aren’t to inform you about a book containing the greatest script ever written? Will you honestly believe a theory that we evolved from a primordial soup when that theory can not explain who made the soup? Are you going to listen to some of our best and brightest who believe in parallel universes but criticize those who believe in life after death in a real place?
Who do you say that Jesus is? That is a question we all must answer. No other man in history has made an impact like Jesus. He is the most loved and the most hated. At Living Water, we are all about Jesus. The way to get to know Jesus is by understanding what the Bible says about Him. The Bible tells us that God created mankind and had a great and wonderful purpose. That purpose was for the man and woman to know God personally, be joined together as husband and wife, have dominion over God’s great creation, and multiply.
But there is a problem. Sin entered the world through the disobedience of Adam and Eve. They died spiritually and eventually died physically. Since that time all mankind suffers the consequence of that decision. We all sin and we all die. We live in a messed up world where tragedy and chaos abound.
There is good news! God never stopped loving us. He never stopped pursuing. The entire Old Testament is about God’s love for His people. The Old Testament points towards a Savior who will undo what Adam did.
The good news is. . . Jesus! The Bible tells us that we all are guilty of sin and, as a result, will die eternally separated from Holy God. Jesus, therefore, stepped out of Heaven and came to us. Jesus--God in flesh—became man and took our place. He was fully God and fully man. He never sinned but became sin on our behalf. The Bible says that Jesus took our punishment on the cross so that we might be able to receive forgiveness through His grace. Jesus was crucified on a Roman cross, buried in a borrowed tomb, and rose again on the third day! Due to His victory over sin and death, we are privy to His reward—forgiveness and eternal life with God! Jesus promised that for everyone who believes in Him will receive the Holy Spirit as a comforter, advocate, protector, and our guarantee of salvation.
We now can know God the Father, through God the Son, by the power of God the Holy Spirit. We hope you take an honest look at Jesus. Read the Bible. Begin with Matthew or Luke. Read Acts and Romans. Don’t just take our word for it. Don’t just take the media’s word for it. Don’t just take the scientist's word for it. Search for yourself. Have an open mind. Give the Bible a chance. You might discover what you’ve been searching for all along.
“But who do you say that I am?” Jesus now moved away from what the crowds thought and directed his question to his disciples. Peter responded, “You are the Christ. The Son of the Living God!”
Enough of what others say, what say you? Investigate for yourself. Don’t take Hollywood's word for it. Are you really going to believe a movie star making millions of dollars pretending to be someone they aren’t to inform you about a book containing the greatest script ever written? Will you honestly believe a theory that we evolved from a primordial soup when that theory can not explain who made the soup? Are you going to listen to some of our best and brightest who believe in parallel universes but criticize those who believe in life after death in a real place?
Who do you say that Jesus is? That is a question we all must answer. No other man in history has made an impact like Jesus. He is the most loved and the most hated. At Living Water, we are all about Jesus. The way to get to know Jesus is by understanding what the Bible says about Him. The Bible tells us that God created mankind and had a great and wonderful purpose. That purpose was for the man and woman to know God personally, be joined together as husband and wife, have dominion over God’s great creation, and multiply.
But there is a problem. Sin entered the world through the disobedience of Adam and Eve. They died spiritually and eventually died physically. Since that time all mankind suffers the consequence of that decision. We all sin and we all die. We live in a messed up world where tragedy and chaos abound.
There is good news! God never stopped loving us. He never stopped pursuing. The entire Old Testament is about God’s love for His people. The Old Testament points towards a Savior who will undo what Adam did.
The good news is. . . Jesus! The Bible tells us that we all are guilty of sin and, as a result, will die eternally separated from Holy God. Jesus, therefore, stepped out of Heaven and came to us. Jesus--God in flesh—became man and took our place. He was fully God and fully man. He never sinned but became sin on our behalf. The Bible says that Jesus took our punishment on the cross so that we might be able to receive forgiveness through His grace. Jesus was crucified on a Roman cross, buried in a borrowed tomb, and rose again on the third day! Due to His victory over sin and death, we are privy to His reward—forgiveness and eternal life with God! Jesus promised that for everyone who believes in Him will receive the Holy Spirit as a comforter, advocate, protector, and our guarantee of salvation.
We now can know God the Father, through God the Son, by the power of God the Holy Spirit. We hope you take an honest look at Jesus. Read the Bible. Begin with Matthew or Luke. Read Acts and Romans. Don’t just take our word for it. Don’t just take the media’s word for it. Don’t just take the scientist's word for it. Search for yourself. Have an open mind. Give the Bible a chance. You might discover what you’ve been searching for all along.